Código Deontológico AICP


Code of Deontology of the International Academy of Ceremonial and Protocol


Art.1. The International Academy of Ceremonial and Protocol proclaims the equality and dignity of all nations and the people who inhabit them as fundamental values on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter are based. In the same sense, all norms, principles, laws and commitments derived from said Charter and Declaration, both national and international, will be assumed.


Art.2. The Academics commit to:

I- Comply rigorously with the statutes while maintaining exemplary conduct.

II – To respect the intellectual property of the materials, bibliography and all types of documentation that they must handle in the exercise of their function and to rectify in the event that an error has occurred in this regard.

III – Always act in all your actions in accordance with the principles of Law, Ethics, respect for the truth and mutual respect.

IV – Assume as a duty to serve the objectives and interests of the AICP in terms of the purposes and missions that have been assigned to it.


Art.3. Given the very nature and missions of the Academy, its members will be especially careful in the use of language, elements of clothing, courtesy, the presentation of their initiatives in all the activities of the academy itself and will be especially discreet with respect to its own affairs, especially when his president expressly indicates it.


Art.4. The Academic who violates the rules established in the Statutes of the AICP or in its Code of Ethics will be subject to a file to determine his conduct, and will have the right, once the corresponding accusation has been communicated by the presidency, to present his allegations in writing. of discharge.

I. Constitute disciplinary sanctions:

to. Reserved warning.

b. Public warning.

c. Suspension of up to 30 days.

d. Expulsion from the Academy.


Art. 5. Procedure for the file and separation of a member of the Academy.


I- Conduct contrary to the Statutes of the AICP may be reported to the presidency by at least two academics who have observed it incorrectly or directly by any person of recognized solvency or institution related to the OICP and the AICP.

II- In that case, the presidency of the AICP will appoint an investigative commission that will be made up of three other academics, with voice and vote, one of whom will act as secretary of minutes who will write the report that will be submitted to it, with the proposal that it deems appropriate, with a warning, sanction or filing thereof. Before writing the final report, once the opening of the file has been communicated to the affected person, he will be given a written hearing to present the allegations that he deems relevant in his defense or defense of her.Buy highest quality replica bag with free shipping only at designerbag.is

III- In view of this report, the presidency will make the corresponding decision and will share it with the interested party. If he does not agree with the resolution, he may appeal to the general assembly of the AICP, who, in a specific meeting, given the proposed sanction and the arguments of the affected person, will decide by secret vote whether or not to confirm the sanction.


Approved in an online meeting, by the members of the Founding Committee.


Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil on June 5, 2021