
República de Turquía



The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey states that its National Flag is composed of a white crescent and star on a red background.

The Türk Bayrağı Kanunuaw (Turkish Flag Law), furthers the information regarding the shape, construction and protection of the Turkish Flag.


Turkey has no official national emblem, but the crescent and star design from the national flag is in use as the de facto national emblem on Turkish passports, Turkish identity cards and at the diplomatic missions of Turkey.


The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey states that its National Anthem is the «İstiklâl Marşı», or «Independence March».

Letra y música.

Korkma! Sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak,
Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.
O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilal!
Kahraman ırkıma bir gül; ne bu şiddet, bu celal?
Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helal…
Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklal.

Una versión del himno de la República de Turquía puede escucharse aquí, interpretado por el Coro y la Orquesta de la İzmir State Opera and Ballet, conducidos por Orhan Öner Özcan.


According to the oficial webpage of Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (here),  this is the order of precedence list. Bear in mind that the OICP was only able to retrieve corrections up to May 8th, 2008.

In Turkey, unlike other countries, the President is not included in the list. Since he is the head of state, he is naturally assumed to be at the top of the list.

  1. Speaker of the Grand National Assembly
  2. Vice President of Turkey
  3. President of the Constitutional Court
  4. Former presidents
  5. First President of the Court of Cassation
  6. President of the Council of State
  7. Ministers of the Government (in alphabetical order of ministry names)
  8. Chief of the Turkish General Staff
  9. Commanders of the Turkish Armed Forces
  10. Generals/Admirals
  11. President of the Council of Higher Education
  12. Leader of the Main Opposition Party
  13. Deputy Speaker of the Grand National Assembly
  14. Leaders of the political parties that have groups in the Parliament
  15. Clerk members and administrative members of the Parliament
  16. Leaders of the political parties that are represented in the Parliament
  17. Chairperson and Deputy Chairman’s of the political party groups in the Parliament
  18. Deputy Chairpersons of the political parties that have groups in the Parliament
  19. General Secretaries of the political parties that have groups in the Parliament
  20. Members of the Parliament
  21. President of the Court of Accounts
  22. Chief Public Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation
  23. President of the Turkish Bars Association
  24. Chief Prosecutor of the Council of State
  25. Deputy Presidents of the Constitutional Court
  26. President of the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes
  27. Justices of the Constitutional Court
  28. Deputy First Presidents of the Court of Cassation
  29. Deputy President of the Council of State
  30. Deputy President of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors
  31. Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation
  32. President of the Supreme Electoral Council
  33. President of the High Council of Arbitrators
  34. General secretary of the National Security Council
  35. President of the National Intelligence Organization
  36. President of the State Supervisory Council
  37. President of Strategy and Budget
  38. President of the Defense Industries
  39. President of the Directorate of Communications
  40. President of the Directorate of Religious Affairs
  41. President of the Directorate of State Archives
  42. President of the Directorate of National Palaces
  43. President of the Directorate of Presidential Administrative Affairs
  44. General Secretary of the Parliament
  45. Presidents of the Office of the Presidency
  46. Deputy ministers
  47. Chief Auditor of the Ombudsman Institution
  48. Governor of Ankara
  49. Rectors of universities in Ankara
  50. Commander of the Garrison of Ankara
  51. Mayor of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality
  52. Deputy Presidents of the Policy Boards under the Presidency
  53. Members of the Council of Higher Education
  54. Lieutenant generals/Vice admirals
  55. President of the Atatürk High Institution of Culture, Language and History
  56. President of the Radio and Television Supreme Council
  57. President of the Turkish Academy of Sciences
  58. Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
  59. President of the Competition Authority
  60. President of the Privatization Administration
  61. Chairperson of the Capital Markets Board
  62. Deputy General Secretaries of the Parliament
  63. Major generals/Rear admirals
  64. Court of Cassation of Department Heads and members
  65. Council of State of Department Heads and members
  66. Court of Accounts of Department Heads and members
  67. President of the Turkey Energy, Nuclear and Mining Research Institute
  68. President of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
  69. Deputy Rectors of Universities in Ankara
  70. Members of the Supreme Electoral Council
  71. Members of the State Supervisory Council
  72. Auditors of the Ombudsman Institution
  73. Brigadier generals/Commodores
  74. General secretary of the Council of Higher Education
  75. President of the Turkish Statistical Institute
  76. General manager of the Anadolu Agency
  77. General manager of the Turkish Radio Television Corporation
  78. General manager of the Meteorology
  79. Director General of Foundations
  80. General Director of Land Deeds and Cadastral
  81. General Managers of the Ministry
  82. Deans and Deputy Deans of the faculties of the universities in Ankara
  83. Heads of Professional Organizations in the nature of public institutions in Ankara
  84. Heads of Civil and Military Associations

A regulation was passed in 2012, Ulusal ve Resmi Bayramlar ile Mahalli Kurtuluş Günleri, Atatürk Günleri ve Tarihi Günlerde Yapılacak Tören ve Kutlamalar Yönetmeliği, which sets another list for provinces. It goes as follows:

  1. The greatest civil administrator of the locality (Governor in the province, District Governor in the district)
  2. Members of Parliament
  3. The greatest commander of the locality, generals and admirals, garrison commander
  4. Metropolitan mayor, deputy minister, provincial mayor
  5. Chief public prosecutor, head of the judicial justice commission, presidents of regional courts of justice and regional administrative courts, chief public prosecutor of the regional court of appeal, presidents of administrative and tax courts, university rectors, president of the bar association,
  6. Deputy governors, district governors, provincial gendarmerie commander, provincial police chief, chairman of the provincial council and district mayors
  7. Vice-rectors, deans of faculties, directors of institutes and colleges
  8. Top managers of general and special budget organizations
  9. Members of the armed forces to be determined by the garrison commander in a number to be determined by the governorship
  10. Judges, prosecutors, head of the notary chamber
  11. Provincial presidents of the ruling party, the main opposition party and other parties (in alphabetical order) with groups in the Turkish Grand National Assembly
  12. Deputy deans, institute and college vice principals
  13. Supervisors, presidents and principals in the regional and provincial organizations of the ministries, primary and secondary school principals to be determined by the provincial directorate of national education, according to the order in the list of the Council of Ministers in the Official Gazette.
  14. Managers of public banks, top managers of KİT and TRT
  15. Provincial heads of political parties that do not have a group in the Turkish Grand National Assembly (in alphabetical order)
  16. City council and city council members
  17. Representatives of the professional organizations in that place and the media organization with the highest number of members
  18. Private bank managers
  19. Presidents of associations working for the public interest


Constitution of the Republic of Turkey.

Ulusal ve Resmi Bayramlar ile Mahalli Kurtuluş Günleri, Atatürk Günleri ve Tarihi Günlerde Yapılacak Tören ve Kutlamalar Yönetmeliği. (Regulation on Ceremonies and Celebrations to be Held on National and Official Holidays, Local Liberation Days, Atatürk Days and Historical Days). Available here (turco).

Türk Bayrağı Kanunuaw (Law no. 2893, 22/9/1983). Turkish Flag Law. Available here.


Para facilidad de consulta, se anexan los siguientes documentos en pdf:

  • Folleto con la historia y la partitura del himno nacional de la República de Turquía. Disponible aquí.


  • Diplomatic Portal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye (https://cd.mfa.gov.tr/)